Therapeutic Flyfishing
As a lifelong flyfisher, and flyfishing guide, Dr. Scott Sparrow offers special flyfishing teaching and guiding packages for individual male clients, who wish to use flyfishing as a path of recovery and self-development. This program includes learning to cast (or improving one's cast), learning to see fish, and learning to stalk tailing redfish on the flats. The overall approach is based on treating flyfishing as a "yoga" that encompasses all of the facets of life. By learning flyfishing, and learning to do it well, the angler can facilitate greater self-awareness and improve his overall relationships to others.
It is recommended (but not a prerequisite) that any prospective clients read Dr. Sparrow's book, Healing the Fisher King: A Flyfisher's Grail Quest.
Please contact the office at 956-309-3730 if you want to know more about this opportunity.